With the dynamic nature of today’s world, we believe it is time to move beyond the direct, but limited, support that has largely defined the work of many philanthropic organizations for decades. It is time to find more innovative ways to empower people and their ideas, so that their impact can be more effective and sustainable in the long term. To do that, networks can be a powerful tool.
Within the last four years, we have:
- Built up the Bosch Alumni Network, growing to over 7,000 members and implementing hundreds of projects designed to contribute to an open, just, and sustainable world;
- Designed a community of network-builders with members from more than 30 European foundations;
- Developed strong partnerships with leading, global foundations;
- Initiated new forms of collaboration in the form of Impact Alliances, including the Global Diplomacy Lab, the Hub for Democracy, and the SDG Places;
- Contributed to the body of academic work in the field with such publications as the "Introduction to Impact-Oriented Networks,” the “Evaluation of the Bosch Alumni Network,” and our Strategy Builder;
- Conducted various coaching and consulting workshops with foundations and institutions.
Going forward, we want to create an even bigger shift in philanthropy by moving the focus from individual actions to the development of stronger relationships between actors. As part of this shift, we need approaches that are more collaborative, creative, and continuous in order to scale-up desired impact in a sustainable manner.
We believe that harnessing the power of networks is fundamental to this approach, and see our role as initiators and guides.
We build networks in close cooperation with partners using a holistic approach that covers many different levels, such as the development of personal skills and building organizational capacity. With these partners and other peers in the field, we have also created a Learning Community where we can exchange knowledge and expertise, and learn new methods that community members can integrate back into their work.
Finally, we are connecting alumni, partners, and employees from foundations across the field of philanthropy into a wider network. Together, we can develop a shared sense of belonging, facilitate direct connections between these thousands of individuals, and drive a significant increase in resources, collaborations, and ideas dedicated to making the world a more open, just, and sustainable place for everyone.
We are happy to discuss our assumptions, approaches and ambitions with you!
Darius Polok
Managing Director