What We Do
As a Do & Think Tank for impact networks, iac Berlin works with foundations, academia, public institutions, and locally rooted non-profit organizations to build networks and alliances with social impact and to initiate new forms of collaboration and engagement. To do so we strive to convene, share, and support fellow actors from all sectors.
A Partner in Philanthropy
We believe that collaborative and relational approaches are powerful tools for addressing the complex and dynamic nature of today’s global challenges. Together with our partners, we therefore co-create innovative ways to empower people and their ideas to make their impact more effective and sustainable over time.
We think strategically about communities, networks, and ecosystems; work on assumptions; test them in “minimum viable product” settings; and integrate the lessons learned into networked approaches. We contribute to a growing community of network builders and share our knowledge in an open-source way.
Our collaborations include coordinated strategic interventions, communities of practice and peer-to-peer learning formats, as well as co-led processes for building and shaping relational and collaborative infrastructures.
iac Berlin was founded in 2017 by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.